Redeemed 10X More than regular Coupons!

Text Message Coupons
Building your database is always the first step. What better way to incentivize your customer base to opt-in to your text message marketing campaigns than to offer them a coupon that you send right to their phone? They either text a keyword to a short code or can type their mobile number into a tablet landing page (kiosk) or a web-form that we provide you to add to your own website. The customer receives the text message and clicks the link to view their coupon. Once they have received the coupon, they are opted into your marketing database and can now receive future SMS messages.
Customer Experience
Your customer or potential customers receive the text message and read the offer. They then click the link in the text that directs them right to their one-time redemption mobile coupon. When they come in and redeem the offer, the offer is removed from their phone and can never be used again.


Blasting Coupons to Databases
Creating a message to send to 100, 10,000, or even 1 million SMS opt-in subscribers has never been easier. Use the interface to create the message you want, add an image, your offer, your expiration dates, the terms and conditions, and the coupon code and schedule it to be sent out now or the exact moment you desire in the future.
Tracking and Reporting
It is a breeze to see which locations are receiving the most redemptions. When you or your administrator logs in, they can view detailed reporting by location of each redeemed mobile coupon, can sort by dates, view timestamps, geo-location, and more.

Social Sharing Mobile Coupons
Each mobile coupon has the option to be shared on Facebook or Twitter by the individual client. All they do is click share, and voila! Their mobile coupon is shared on their social media pages and all of their friends can opt-in and receive that coupon on their own phones. Take your campaigns viral today! Talk to our sales team or enroll in a free trial today.